Sunny Banana Nectar

Today wasn’t the easiest day. I got not one, but two calls from school to pick up my kids early. The first had the stomach flu and the second had a concussion-related headache. As a result, I didn’t spend much time today preparing extra servings of fruits and vegetables for myself. In fact, I was afraid I might miss this blog post.

But then my seven-year old son came through for me.

He wanted something to do and since he has a mild concussion, it had to be a mellow activity. So I gave him my camera. He disappeared and I heard a lot of quiet activity in the kitchen. And then he appeared with the bowl you see above and the well organized photo that you see below. To make his “Sunny Banana Nectar,” slice a banana, drip agave nectar over it while gently spinning the bowl, and then top it with sunflower seeds. It is really delicious. Thank you for feeding me, sweet Bordy! And for helping me with this blog post. I love you.

Fruit Still

On day 21 of this 365 day project, I ate my daily five (including some of delicious treat above). Did you enjoy yours?

Much love,


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